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(NREI-CT01)Evening Class

Dates & Times:

Real Estate Principles & Practices Course


Mandatory 60-hour pre-licensing course, offered via "Live Virtual Classroom" Zoom. Complete in just 7 weeks! TWO TEXTBOOKS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS CLASS. Purchase them separately when you enroll.

Additional Info:

Next evening course starts Monday, February 24th. 2025 via “Live Virtual Classroom Platform Zoom.” Allow time for your textbook order to be processed; delivery typically takes 4 to 5 days. You are ordering directly from the publisher, so you do not need any information from your class enrollment. This is a separate transaction.

Click on “Enroll Now” to secure your seat in this next class. You will receive an email receipt from This will guarantee your seat in the class.

Enrolled students will receive an email with Zoom link ID and class handouts four days (Thursday) before start of class.

This course meets the minimum educational requirements as set forth by the Connecticut Real Estate Commission.

For More Information Call:

Cancellation Policy:

Tuition refund only before classes start, minus 10% service charge.